The appliance must stand on a constructional hearth with the
minimum dimensions as shown in diagram below.
If you are fitting the appliance into an existing hearth setting
check that it complies with the current construction
regulations and is the minimum sizes shown.
If you have no e
xisting fireplace or chimney, it is possible to
construct a suitable non-combustible housing and hearth
setting. However this should be constructed to comply with
the requirements of both current national and local
regulations with the design approved by your local building
control officer. Masonry chimney systems built with clay or
concrete liners or pre-fabricated block systems should be
constructed in accordance with BS 6461 : Part 1. Factory
made insulated systems should comply with BS 4543 : Part 2
and be installed to BS 7566 : Parts 1 to 4.
Remember that any new chimney added to your property may
also require planning permission.