• To install the driver in .rpm or .deb format:
a Type su (for .rpm) or sudo (for debian) and press Enter.
b At the prompt, enter your super user password.
c Next, for .rpm, enter
rpm -i dgcmodem.i386.rpm
For .deb, enter
dpkg -i dgcmodem_i386.deb
d At the prompt, enter the Linux source build directory
that matches your running kernel.
e If necessary, run dgcconfig to complete the
• To install the driver in .tar format:
a Extract the driver with
tar -xzf dgcmodem-1.01.tar.gz
b Change to the driver directory with
c cd dgcmodem-1.01
d Enter
su make install
sudo make install
e At the prompt, enter your super user password.
f Next, enter
g At the prompt, enter the Linux source build directory that
matches your running kernel, and wait while the driver is
h Configure your PPP client program to use the USB
That's it! Your installation is complete.