5 On the Modem or Diagnostics tab click Query Modem. You
will see a list of AT commands and responses, indicating that
your modem is properly connected.
That's it! Your installation is complete.
Now read If Your PC Already Had a Modem below.
Important—If Your PC Already Had a Modem
You must redirect your application software so that it recognizes
your new modem.
• America Online 9.0 users: On the AOL Sign on screen, click the
Connect Options button. On the Connect Options dialog box,
select Advanced Settings. On the Advanced Settings dialog box,
click the Modems tab, and then, in the list of modems, select
your new USB Modem. Click Close to exit.
• Windows Vista users: Select Start→Control Panel→ Network
and Sharing Center→ Manage Network Connections→Dial-
up Connection→ Properties. In the Connect using box make
sure that your new USB modem is selected.
• Windows XP and 2000 users: Select Start→(Windows 2000:
Settings)→Control Panel→ Network Connections→Dial-up
Connection→Properties. In the Connect using box make sure
that your new USB modem is selected.
Taking a phone call while you're
Windows Vista, XP and 2000 users: Your modem includes the
NetWaiting™ Modem-on-Hold™ program, which notifies you when
you have an incoming telephone call and lets you put your Internet
connection on hold while you take the call. Netwaiting is installed
automatically as part of your modem software installation.