Prestige 2602HWNLI-D7A Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2007 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Key3= 0x3456789ABC
Key4= 0x456789ABCD
128-bit WEP with 13 characters
Key1= 2e3f4w345ytre
Key2= 5y7jse8r4i038
Key3= 24fg70okx3fr7
Key4= 98jui2wss35u4
128-bit WEP with 26 hexadecimal
('0-9', 'A-F')
Key1= 0x112233445566778899AABBCDEF
Key2= 0x2233445566778899AABBCCDDEE
Key3= 0x3344556677889900AABBCCDDFF
Key4= 0x44556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF
Select one of the WEP key as default Key to encrypt wireless data transmission.
The receiver will use the corresponding key to decrypt the data.
For example, if access point uses Key 3 to encrypt data, then station will use Key 3 to decrypt data.
So, the Key 3 of station has to equal to the Key 3 of access point.
Though access point use Key 3 as default key, but the station can use the other Key as its default key to
encrypt wireless data transmission.
Access Point (encrypt data by Key 3) --------> Station (decrypt data by Key 3)
Access Point (decrypt data by Key 2) <-------- Station (encrypt data by Key 2)
In this case, access point transmits data to station which encrypt data by Key 3 of access point. The
station will decrypt the data by its Key 3.
At the same time, when the station transmits data to access point which encrypt data by Key 2.
The access point will decrypt the data by its Key 2.
Setting up the Access Point with Web configurator