Prestige 2602HWNLI-D7A Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2007 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Step 3: Create a Call Rule, this rule tells P2602HWNLI-D1A which remote peer device it should connect to in
order to complete the call.
On P2602HWNLI-D1A web GUI: VoIP > Trunking > Call Rule, in Peer Call Outgoing Table, item 1, set
Pattern 103, and choose Account Test, then click “Apply” button.
Set Outgoing Authentication account 1, name “Test”, username 103 and password 1234, peer IP, peer port 5060, then click “Apply” button.
What is ZyNOS?
ZyNOS is ZyXEL's proprietary Network Operating System. It is the platform on all Prestige routers that
delivers network services and applications. It is designed in a modular fashion so it is easy for developers to add
new features. New ZyNOS software upgrades can be easily downloaded from our FTP sites and public Web
download site as they become available.