Chapter 10 Filters
P-660H-T1v3s User’s Guide
10.2 The URL Filter Screen
Use this screen to block websites by URL. Click Security > Filter and select URL
Filter in the Filter Type Selection field.. The screen appears as shown.
Figure 47 Security > Filter > URL Filter
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 31 Security > Filter > URL Filter
URL Filter Editing
Active Use this field to enable or disable the URL filter.
URL Index Select the index number of the filter.
URL Enter the URL for the P-660H-T1v3s to block.
URL Filter Listing
Index This is the index number of the filter rule.
URL This is the URL you have configured the P-660H-T1v3s to block.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Delete Click this to remove the filter rule.
Cancel Click this to restore your previously saved settings.