Chapter 5 Setup Wizard
P-660H-T1v3s User’s Guide
5.2.1 Manual Configuration
1 If the P-660H-T1v3s fails to detect your DSL connection type but the physical line
is connected, enter your Internet access information in the wizard screen exactly
as your service provider gave it to you. Leave the defaults in any fields for which
you were not given information.
Figure 14 Internet Access Wizard Setup: ISP Parameters
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
Table 7 Internet Access Wizard Setup: ISP Parameters
Mode Select Routing (default) from the drop-down list box if your ISP give you
one IP address only and you want multiple computers to share an Internet
account. Select Bridge when your ISP provides you more than one IP
address and you want the connected computers to get individual IP
address from ISP’s DHCP server directly. If you select Bridge, you cannot
use Firewall, DHCP server and NAT on the P-660H-T1v3s.
Encapsulation Select the encapsulation type your ISP uses from the Encapsulation
drop-down list box. Choices vary depending on what you select in the
Mode field.
If you select Bridge in the Mode field, select either PPPoA or RFC 1483.
If you select Routing in the Mode field, select PPPoA, RFC 1483, ENET