
EES-1024AF Intelligent Ethernet Switch
5-2 General Setup Using the SMT
Table 5-1 Port Settings Fields
5 VLAN Tagged The VLAN ID will be tagged to the transmitted packets through the port.
6 Default VLAN ID Select this option to set the default VLAN ID. You can select from 1 to
7 Note This option allows you to enter additional information for the port. This will
not affect the current configuration. Maximum 16 characters.
When you have completed this menu, type “q” and press [ENTER] at the prompt go back to the Port Settings main
menu. You can type “q” at any time to cancel.
5.2 View Your Port Information
You can view the MAC address and the VLAN ID of a specific port in Address Table. Follow the steps to view all
your port information.
Step 1. Enter 3 from the main menu the to bring up the Address Table menu.
Step 2. Enter 1 and press [ENTER] to display information on all ports currently connected to the switch.
Figure 5-2 SMT - Address Table (All)
You can also select options 1 and 2 to display port information on a specific module.
5.3 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
Enable or disable the spanning tree protocol by following the steps.
Step 1. Enter 4 from the main menu to display the Spanning Tree Protocol page.
Step 2. Enter 1 to enable or 2 to disable the spanning tree protocol.
Step 3. Once the spanning tree protocol is enabled, you can enter 3 at the prompt the view port status for each
[Main] [Address Table]
1. All
2. Module
3. Module Port
Q. Quit
Select one function (1-3, Q): 1
[Main] [Address Table] [All]
Module Port MAC-Address VLAN
------ ---- ----------------- ----
0 1 00-50-ba-ad-4f-81 1