EES-1024AF Intelligent Ethernet Switch
Advanced Web Management 7-3
Table 7-2 The Statistics Field Description
Bytes RX The total bytes received from that port
Bytes TX The total bytes sent from that port
Frames RX The total packets receives from that port (of all sizes)
Broadcast RX The total broadcast packets received from that port
Multicast RX The total multicast packets received from that port
CRC Error The total packets received containing CRC errors from that port.
Collision The total number of collisions that occurred during reception and transmission
Fragments This counter is incremented once for every received packet which meet all the
following conditions: 1. Packet data length is less than 64 bytes or packet without SFD
and is less than 64 bytes in length. 2. Collision event has not been detected. 3. Late
collision event has not been detected. 4. Packet has invalid CRC.
64 Bytes This counter is incremented once for every received and transmitted packet with size
of 64 bytes.
65-127 Bytes This counter is incremented once for every received and transmitted packet with size
of 65 to 127 bytes.
128-255 Bytes This counter is incremented once for every received and transmitted packet with size
of 128 to 255 bytes.
256-511 Bytes This counter is incremented once for every received and transmitted packet with size
of 256 to 511 bytes.
512-1023 Bytes This counter is incremented once for every received and transmitted packet with size
of 512 to 1023 bytes.
This counter is incremented once for every received and transmitted packet with size
of 1024 to 1536 bytes.
Oversize This counter is incremented once for every received packet with meets all the
following conditions. 1. Packet data length is greater than 1536. 2. Packet has valid
Undersize This counter is incremented once for every received packet with meets all the
following conditions. 1. Packet data length is less than 64. 2. Collision event has not
been detected. 3. Late collision event has not been detected. 4. Packet has valid
Jabber This counter is incremented once for every received packet with meets all the
following conditions. 1. Packet data length is greater than 1536. 2. Packet has invalid
You can clear 18 counters of some ports by selecting the corresponding Clear check boxes and then clicking Clear.
To clear all counters of all ports, click Select All and then Clear.