Dimension ES-2008 Ethernet Switch
4-2 Basic Switch Configuration
Click Administrator and then User Authentication to display the screen shown next.
Figure 4-2 User Authentication
Follow the instructions in the next table to set the fields in this screen.
Table 4-2 User Authentication
User name Type in your new switch system user name.
Type in your new switch system password.
Re-type your new switch system password for confirmation.
4.3 Resetting the Switch
Restoring to factory defaults resets the switch’s parameters. The user name will be reset to
“admin”, the password to “1234” and the LAN IP address to
This function erases the current configuration before restoring a
previous back up configuration; please do not attempt to restore
unless you have a backup configuration file stored on disk.
Follow the steps to restore your switch back to factory defaults.
Step 1. Click Factory Default to display the screen shown next.
Figure 4-3 Factory Default
Step 2. Click the Factory Default button and wait until the switch finishes rebooting
before accessing the switch again.