
Dimension ES-2008 Ethernet Switch
13-2 Introducing the SMT
13.3.1 Establishing a Console Port Connection
After the switch is directly connected to a computer, turn on the computer and run a
terminal emulation program (for example, Hyper Terminal in Windows) and configure its
communication parameters as follows:
9600 bits per second.
Parity none, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, flow-control none.
Figure 13-2 HyperTerminal Communication Parameter Settings Example
13.4 Initial SMT Screen
Press [ENTER] to display the login screen. For your first login, enter the default user
name “admin” and default password “1234” and then press [ENTER].
The user name and password are case sensitive.
Figure 13-3 SMT: Login Screen
Dimension Switch ES-2008
User Name: