Chapter 11 Package Management
Media Server User’s Guide
11.10.8 Restore Archive Screen
Use this screen to restore previous backups made with the NSA.
11.10.9 Restore Archive: Step 1
Click Protect > Backup screen (Section 11.10 on page 255). You can restore a previous backup
job by selecting a backup job from the list and clicking Restore Archive.
Figure 165 Protect > Backup > Restore Archive: Step 1
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Start Time (hh:mm) This is available if you selected Daily, Weekly or Monthly as your backup frequency.
Select the time in hour:minute format when you want the NSA to perform the backup
Every how many
This is only available if you selected Daily as your backup frequency.
Enter the interval between days when the NSA performs the backup job.
Every how many
This is only available if you selected Weekly as your backup frequency.
Enter the interval between weeks when NSA performs the backup job.
Step 1: Please
select the month(s)
of a year
This is only available if you selected Monthly as your backup frequency.
Select the month(s) when you want the NSA to perform the backup job.
Step 2: Please
select the day of the
This is only available if you selected Monthly as your backup frequency.
Select the day in a month when you want the NSA to perform the backup job.
Previous Click this to go back to the previous screen.
Done Click this to close the screen.
Table 82 Protect > Backup > Edit: Step 2
Table 83 Protect > Backup > Restore Archive: Step 1
Step 1. Select
Restore Source
Select a previous archive backup that you want to restore to the NSA.
Job Information
Job Name This is the name to identify the backup job.