Chapter 12 Auto Upload
Media Server User’s Guide
Click Applications > Auto Upload > Flickr/YouTube to open the following screen.
Figure 177 Applications > Auto Upload > Flickr/YouTube
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
12.4.1 Configuring the Flickr Settings
In the Applications > Auto Upload > Flickr/YouTube screen, select Flickr from the list and then click
the Config button.
The following screen displays if you have not authorized the NSA to use a Flickr account. Click OK
to continue the authorization process.
Figure 178 Linking NSA to Flickr
Table 91 Applications > Auto Upload > Flickr/YouTube
Disable/Enable Select a service from the list and click this to turn the service on or off.
If you disable the service and add more files to the watch folder(s), the NSA will not
auto upload these files. However, the NSA still uploads any files added before you
turned off the service.
Pause/Resume Select a service from the list and click this to pause or resume the auto upload feature.
Config Select a service from the list and click this to manage the service’s settings.
Status This field displays the service’s status.
The service may be Enabled, Disabled, Uploading or Paused.
Service Name This field displays the name of a sharing website to which the NSA can automatically
upload files.
This field displays the username and related information of the account to use with the
auto upload feature.