Chapter 11 Package Management
Media Server User’s Guide
11.10.3 Backup: Step 3
Use this screen to specify compression, encryption and purge policies for the backup job. This step
is only available if you are doing an archive backup or a synchronization backup to a remote target.
Figure 161 Protect > Backup: Step 3
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Previous Click this to go back to the previous screen.
Next Click this to go to the next screen.
Table 78 Protect > Backup: Step 2
Table 79 Protect > Backup: Step 3
Compression Select Yes if you want NSA to compress the files for your backup. Otherwise, choose No.
In an Archive backup, compression is a method of packing computing files in a way that
saves hard disk space.
For a Synchronization backup (to a remote target), the source data will be compressed
before the transmission to reduce the transmission time. It is used in slow networks only.
Encryption Select Yes if you want NSA to encrypt the files for your backup. Otherwise, choose No.
In an Archive backup, this means using a password to secure files.
For a Synchronization backup (to a remote target), this means securing the file transfer
session. However the final file stored on the remote NSA is unencrypted. This takes a long
time. Make sure you really need this feature before enabling it.
Bandwidth Restrict the bandwidth of synchronization backups to help stop them from using all of your
network connection’s available bandwidth. This is more important when backing up to a
remote NSA or computer through the Internet.