Chapter 5 Tutorials
Media Server User’s Guide
5.6.2 Migrate Button
Do the following steps to create a RAID 1 volume.
1 Once you install a second SATA hard disk in the NSA, the Storage > Volume screen shows the
Migrate button.
2 Click the
Migrate button and you can see the following progress bar. Wait for the RAID 1 volume to
be created. This may take quite a while depending on how much data you have in the original
5.6.3 Create an Internal Volume Button
If you do not have an existing volume in the Storage > Volume screen, do the following steps to
create a RAID 1 volume.
1 In the Storage > Volume screen, click Create an Internal Volume.
2 In the Disk Configuration screen, you can select the storage method.
•Type in the Volume Name for your RAID 1 volume. The volume name can be 1 to 31 characters
(a-z, 0-9, " " [spaces], "_", and ".").
• Choose RAID 1 and click Apply.