Chapter 22 Tools
P-2612HNU-Fx User’s Guide
22.5 Technical Reference
The following section contains additional technical information about the ZyXEL
Device features described in this chapter.
22.5.1 Tool Examples
Note: Only the administrator account (username ‘admin’) can access the ZyXEL
Device through FTP.
Note: When uploading a firmware to the ZyXEL Device via TFTP/FTP, make sure you
are in the ‘FW’ subdirectory. To do this while using an TFTP/FTP client, double-
click the ‘FW’ folder. When using a command console, use the cd (change
directory) command.
Using FTP or TFTP to Restore Configuration
This example shows you how to restore a previously saved configuration. Note
that this function erases the current configuration before restoring a previous back
up configuration; please do not attempt to restore unless you have a backup
configuration file stored on disk.
FTP is the preferred method for restoring your current computer configuration to
your device since FTP is faster. Please note that you must wait for the system to
automatically restart after the file transfer is complete.
Do not interrupt the file transfer process as this may
PERMANENTLY DAMAGE your device. When the Restore
Configuration process is complete, the device automatically
Restore Using FTP Session Example
Figure 102 Restore Using FTP Session Example
Refer to Section 22.1.2 on page 253 to read about configurations that disallow
TFTP and FTP over WAN.
ftp> put config.rom rom-0
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR rom-0
226 File received OK
221 Goodbye for writing flash
ftp: 16384 bytes sent in 0.06Seconds 273.07Kbytes/sec.