Chapter 3 Tutorial
P-2612HNU-Fx User’s Guide
3 Go to the Status screen to check if your SIP account has been registered
successfully. If registration failed, check your Internet connection and click
Register to register your SIP account again.
Tutorial: Registration Status Analog Phone Configuration
1 Click VoIP > Phone to open the Analog Phone screen.
2 Select Phone1 to configure the first phone port.
3 Select SIP1 from the SIP Account drop-down list box in the SIP Account to
Make Outgoing Call section to have the phone (connected to the first phone
port) use the registered SIP1 account to make outgoing calls.
4 Select the SIP1 check box in the SIP Account(s) to Receive Incoming Call
section to have the phone (connected to the first phone port) receive phone calls
for the SIP1 account.
5 Click Apply to save your changes.
Tutorial: VoIP > Phone Making a VoIP Call
1 Make sure you connect a telephone to the first phone port on the ZyXEL Device.
2 Make sure the ZyXEL Device is on and connected to the Internet.
3 Pick up the phone receiver.
4 Dial the VoIP phone number you want to call.