1-16 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
Back Panel
Back Panel
The components of the back panel are:
• Serial/Network I/O Ports. Ports 1, 2, 3, and 6 are DB-25 connectors. Port 4
is a DB 15 connector.
• AC Power Supply. The rear of the Power Supply has two (male and female)
power source connectors (one is for connection to an AC source and the other
is an AC outlet) along with a selectable 115 VAC or 230 VAC switch. For
most international usage, the switch must be set for 230 VAC.
• DC Power Supply. The unit can be shipped with the -48VDC Power Option.
The terminal block of the -48VDC has 5 screws. The two outermost screws
are for attachment. The negative wire terminal is second from the left; the
positive wire terminal is in the middle; the ground is second from the right.
• Expansion Card Ports. The expansion card ports differ depending on what
card is installed in that slot.
Figure 1-10 shows the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch back panel.
Figure 1-10. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Back Panel
AUI Port 4
(Ethernet Routing)
115/230 VAC
Voltage Select
I/O Ports 1,2, 3, 6
Card Ports
Slots 1 through 8
ID Label
Optional -48V
Power Supply