1-20 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card
Introduction The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card supports digital voice communications,
providing integrated network access (see Figure 1-12). The E1 interface card is
installed primarily in Europe and South America. A 2-megabyte E1 card is required
for passing data traffic and voice traffic.
Description Each E1 dual port digital PBX interface card uses an Industry Standard Architecture
(ISA) bus interface and a Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol (MVIP) bus interface.
The MVIP bus interface provides a multiplexed digital access within the PathBuilder
S24x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.
The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card has two E1 ports (CAS signaling only),
handles E1 lines with or without CRC4, and supports 120Ω and 75Ω (with the
addition of an optional cable). The interface type is 8-pin modular.
Function E1 dual port digital PBX interface cards provide the digital interfaces for
connections to a PBX. The dual port digital PBX interface cards bring PCM voice
and channel signaling into the node. The PCM voice data and voice signaling is
routed to a DSPM/SM card over the MVIP bus for compression and transmission to
the motherboard.
Slot Restriction The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card can only occupy slot 8 in the PathBuilder
S24x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.