Appendix B
File Format
The following table shows the CONFIG file details. The information in each column
is as follows.
Default Line
The line as obtained from the device. Each line has the following structure:
Line_number Token:Parameter
Line_number is a system parameter and MUST NOT be changed.
Token is a readable identifier for the line.
Parameter is the current setting. A colon separates the Token from the
Allowable Values
This column lists the values which may be used for the Parameter. The
following items are used:
Text[n], where n is a number, indicates a text field with a maximum length of
n characters.
Numeric[0..n], where n is a number, indicates the acceptable range of values
for a numeric field.
Access Code, where the allowable values are: Read Only, Read/Write, Not
Explanation of the purpose of the parameter.
Shaded rows indicate lines which do not exist in all models.
Default Line Allowable Values Description
0001 BOX_NAME:SCxxxxxx Text [19] Device name
0011 IPXSPX_P:Enable Enable, Disable NetWare protocol
0012 TCPIP_P :Enable Enable, Disable TCP/IP protocol
0013 APTALK_P:Enable Enable, Disable AppleTalk protocol
0014 NETB_P:Enable Enable, Disable NetBEUI protocol
0030 BAUDRATE:9600 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400
Serial Port Baud Rate
0031 STOPBITS:1 1, 2 Serial Port Stop Bits
0032 PARITY :None None, Odd, Even Serial Port Parity
0033 DATABITS:8 7, 8 Serial Port Data Bits
None, Both
Serial Port Flow Control
0100 L1_PROUT:P1 P1, P2, P3 (if exist) Port used by Logical Printer 1
0101 L1_PREST: Text [15] (hex) Pre-string LP 1
0102 L1_POSTR: Text [15] (hex) Post-string LP 1
0103 L1_CHGLF:No Yes, No Convert LF to LF/CR