Management Tools
Menu Options
InitDevice Menu
Reset Device
This will cause the device to reboot. This should be done after making any
configuration changes, or if the device stops responding after some problem.
Restore Factory Default
This will restore ALL device values to their factory defaults. To restore only
the current screen, use the Set to Default button on the screen.
Set IP Address
Use this to set a Device IP Address, Gateway IP Address, and Network Mask
for a TCP/IP network. You need to enter the default device name. See IP
Address Configuration on page 25 for configuration details. Save the data to
the device, reset it, and refresh the listing.
Attach Remote
This is used to connect to a Print Server device on another LAN segment.
Enter the IP address of the remote device. The Gateway (router) address must
be set correctly.
Connected Protocol
This option allows you to designate which LAN protocol will be used for
communication between the selected device and this application. You should
select ONE protocol only.
Configuration Menu
Use this option to change the device name, and to set the LAN protocol(s)
supported by the Print Server. The protocol used by your LAN, as well as the
Connected Protocol described above, should be enabled. To improve
performance, any other protocols should be disabled.
Diagnostics menu
Print Test Page
Use this option to print a test sheet from the selected Print Server port. The
test print out will include status information.
Control Menu
Abort Mail Print Job
This option allows you to cancel a print job which has been received though
the Internet Printing feature, and is currently printing. This can be used to
terminate a print job which is not printing correctly.