Appendix C - SNMP MIB
PSNetwareConfig group
Object Description
FrameethernetIIEnable EthernetII frame Type Status
Frame802-2Enable Ethernet 802.2 frame Type Status
Frame802-3Enable Ethernet 802.3 frame Type Status
FrameSnapEnable Ethernet 802.2 SNAP frame Type Status
OperationMode The current Netware operation mode. PS: PrintServer
mode, RP: Remote Printer mode.
MasterFileSrvrName The name of the File Server that the device will connect to
First. The master file server contains all the information that
the device needs, including a list of all other file servers to
be serviced. (Netware 2.x, 3.x)
NDSTreeName The NDS Tree Name for Netware Print server to login into.
(Netware 4.x)
NDSContext The NDS context where the print server's object belongs.
NetwareQPollingInterval The Netware Print Server Polling Interval. The range is 1-
255 minutes.
JobNotifyByConnID When the job ends, Print will notify the user by the
connection ID.
NetwarePrintServerP1 The Netware Print Server to connect to for parallel port 1,
when the device is operating as a remote printer.
NetwarePrintServerP2 The Netware Print Server to connect to for parallel port 2,
when the device is operating as a remote printer.
NetwarePrintServerP3 The Netware Print Server to connect to for parallel port 2,
when the device is operating as a remote printer.
NetwarePrintServerSP The Netware Print Server to connect to for the serial port,
when the device is operating as a remote printer.
PSTcpipConfig group
Object Description
IPAddr IP Address of this device.
GatewayAddr The default gateway IP Address.
SubnetMask The subnet network mask.
PSAppleTalkConfig group
Object Description
AppleTalkZone The zone name where the device is located.
PrinterTypeP1 The printer driver type for parallel port 1.
PrinterTypeP2 The printer driver type for parallel port 2.
PrinterTypeP3 The printer driver type for parallel port 3.
PrinterTypeSP The printer driver type for serial port.
BinaryCommEnableP1 Binary communication protocol status. When disabled, the
data is transparently sent to the printer.
BinaryCommEnableP2 Binary communication protocol status. When disabled, the
data is transparently sent to the printer.
BinaryCommEnableP3 Binary communication protocol status. When disabled, the
data is transparently sent to the printer
BinaryCommEnableSP Binary communication protocol status. When disabled, the
data is transparently sent to the printer
PSNetbeuiConfig group
Object Description