The built-in touc hpad is a PS/2-c ompatible pointing devic e that senses
movement on its surfac e. This mea ns the c ursor responds as you move
your finger on the surface of the touchpad. The central location on
the palm rest provides optimum comfort and support.
Note: When using a n externa l USB or seria l mouse , you c a n press
Fn-F7 to disable the touc hpad. If you are using an external PS/ 2
mouse, the touc hpad is automa tic ally disabled.
Touchpad basics
The following items tea c h you how to use the touc hpa d:
• Move your finger ac ross the touc hpa d to move the c ursor.
• Press the left (1) and right (3) buttons located on the edge of the
touc hpad to do selec tion and exec ution func tions. These two
buttons are simila r to the left a nd right buttons on a mouse.
Tapping on the touc hpad produc es similar results.
• Use the center (2) button (top and bottom) to sc roll up or down a
page. This button mimic s your c ursor pressing on the right sc roll
TM360.book Page 21 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM