
1 Getting to know your TravelMate
Important! Do not forg et your Se tup a nd Ha rd Disk Pa ssword ! If
you forget your password, please get in touc h with your dealer or
an authorized service center.
Entering passwords
When a password is set, a password prompt appears in the left-hand
corner of the display screen.
When the Setup Password is set, the following prompt appears
when you press F2 to enter the BIOS Utility a t boot-up.
Type the Setup Password and press Enter to a c c e ss the BIO S Utility.
When the Power-on Password is set, the following prompt appea rs
at boot-up.
Type the Power-on Password (a . symbol appears for eac h
character you type) and press Enter to use the c omputer. If you
enter the pa ssword inc orrec tly, a n x symbol appears. Try again
and press Enter.
When the Hard Disk Password is set, the following prompt appears
at boot-up.
Type the Hard Disk Password (a . symbol appears for each
character you type) and press Enter to use the computer. If you
enter the pa ssword inc orrec tly, a n x symbol appears. Try again
and press Enter.
Important! You have three c hanc es to enter a password. If you
successfully entered the password, you are presented with a
correct entry symbol.
If you fail to enter the pa ssword c orrec tly a fter three tries, the
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