
1 Getting to know your TravelMate
Securing your computer
Your c omp ute r is a va lua b le inve stme nt tha t you ne e d to ta ke c a re of.
Learn how to protec t and take c are of your c omputer.
Security features include hardware and software locks a security
notc h, smart c ard and passwords.
Using a computer security lock
A sec urity ke yloc k notc h loc a ted on the right pa nel of the c omputer
lets you c onnec t a Kensington-c ompatible key-based c omputer
sec urity loc k. Some keyless models are also available.
Wrap a computer security lock cable around an immovable object such
as a table or locked drawer handle. Insert the lock into the notch and
turn the key to sec ure the loc k.
Using the SmartCard
This software includes the following components: PlatinumPAS,
PlatinumSec ure and Pla tinumKey. Together, they provide you with
multiple leve ls of se c urity.
PlatinumPAS implements the first security measure at the BIOS
level and runs during the BIOS routine check when a computer is
powered up or rebooting. If no Sma rtC a rd or Eme rgenc y C a rd is
detected, the computer will stop booting up to prevent any illegal
ac c ess to the system.
PlatinumSecure enha nces the secure logon procedure for Windows
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