3. Create a disk/partition backup task for several remote computers at once (see
4.4 2
Crea ing new g oup backup tasks
t r
4. Connect to a remote computer to see the operation log, start or edit tasks for this
computer etc. (see
4.3 Managing a single remote computer
). To do so, select a computer
and click Connect.
5. Invoke Group tasks management window for viewing, deleting or rescheduling group
4.4.2 Creating new group backup tasks
You can create a disk/partition backup task for several remote computers at once. File-level
backup for groups of computers is unavailable.
1. In Group status or Group tasks management window, select New Group Task on
the toolbar. Create Group Task Wizard window appears to guide you through the task
creation procedure.
2. Form a group for the current task: check computers in the list of remote computers.
3. Select disks/partitions to backup. You can select any combination of hard disks (by
number, according to Windows numeration) and partitions (by letter); or All hard disks.
This setting is applied to every computer in the group, so having a standard (similar)
disks/partitions layout on remote computers would be a plus.
Select disk/partitions to backup
4. Specify a path to backup archive. To place every archive on its local computer, input
Local path or select Acronis Secure Zone, if there is such zone on every remote
computer. For more information about Acronis Secure Zone see
3.3 Acronis Secure Zone
. To
place backups on the network, check Network path, select the target folder and specify
the username and password for access to the network drive. When backing up to a backup
server, choose Personal Backup Location or tape drive and enter backup server
administrator’s credentials. For more information about backup servers see
3.5 Acronis
Backup Server
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