Deleting a user profile will disable backup to backup server for this user and his existing
archives will be deleted. This operation might also be time-consuming, so you can schedule
it for the off-peak period.
Deleting an administrator profile will not result in deleting any archives.
There must be at least one administrator on a backup server. Therefore, deleting the last
administrator profile is not possible. The maximum number of administrators is not limited.
4.5.5 Configuring Backup Locations
To display a full list of backup locations, click Configure Backup Locations.
To edit limitations for a backup location, select the backup location, click on Quotas and
Time Limits above the list and enter the new values in the appearing window.
To move a backup location along with all archives existing on it, select the backup location
and click Move to. The Move Backup Location Wizard will display all users and
computers associated with the selected backup location so you could make sure your choice
is right. Then select the new location for the archives.
As moving files may take a lot of time and system resources, it is recommended that you
schedule this operation for the time when the backup server computing load will be minimal.
You can do it in the Start Parameters window. To complete configuring the operation, click
Finish in the final summary window.
To move a backup location within the same device, you must have at least as much free
space on the device as all the archives in the backup location occupy, because the archives
will first be copied to the new place, and then deleted from the old place.
Cleaning a backup location will delete all archives stored in this location. After clicking on
Clear item the dialog box comes up, allowing you to view a list of backup archives to be
removed before you confirm the operation.
Deleting a backup location will delete all archives stored in this location and redirect the
associated computer/user’s backups to the default backup location. After clicking on Delete
item the dialog box comes up, allowing you to view a list of backup archives to be removed
and a list of associated users/computers before you confirm the operation.
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