• When my computer shuts down – the task will be executed before every server
shutdown or reboot
• When I log off – the task will be executed each time the current user logs off of the
Some of these options might be disabled depending on the operating system.
5. Click Next.
6. Specify the task start time and other schedule parameters, according to the selected
periodicity (see 8.1.1 - 8.1.4).
7. Click Next.
8. Next you will have to specify the name of the user who owns the executed task; otherwise
no scheduled execution will be available.
In the upper field, enter a user name. Enter a password twice in two fields below.
9. At the final step, the task configuration is displayed. Up to this point, you can click Back
to make changes in the created task. If you click Cancel, all settings will be lost. Click
Finish to save the task.
10. The task schedule and default name appear on the Active tasks pane of the main
window. You are prompted to rename the task just now. If you do not want to do it, press
Enter or Esc key.
8.1.1 Setting up daily execution
If you select the daily execution, set the Start time and days on which you want to execute
the task:
• Every day
• Weekdays
• Every х days – once in several days (specify the interval).
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