Managing the AMASS File System
1-8 Initial Setup Tasks 6-00028-01 Rev A
Create File System Organization
The following tasks are presented as guidelines only since the
actual setup required for your specific site is unique.
Step 1. Decide how you want to organize the AMASS file
system. For example, what directories should be
under the /archive mount point?
Step 2. Set permissions for these directories to allow clients
to access the file system.
AMASS supports read and write permissions only;
Access Control Lists (ACLs) are not supported.
Step 3. Decide if you want to apportion media into volume
groups to keep project data or department data
together on a specified number of volumes. For
information, see “Volume Groups Defined” on
Page 1-13.
Step 4. Load media and create entries in the AMASS File
System Database for all your media. For
instructions, see “Create Entries in Database for
Your Media” on Page 1-9.
Step 5. See “Assign Directory to a Volume Group” on
Page 1-19 to assign a project directory or
department directory to a volume group and to
enable the volume group to use the space pool if it
runs out of space.
Step 6. Decide if you want to have a volume group for
cleaning cartridges. For instructions, see “Create a
Cleaning Volume Group” on Page 1-20.