Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Troubleshooting Tools -23
System Panics
If a process causes a system panic, dump information to the
core (memory) file. Save this file because it contains clues
about what was going wrong when system came down.
To set your server to automatically dump data to the core file,
perform the following steps for the appropriate platform.
Set Up for a Core Dump
HP Step 1. By default, a core file is dumped to the /etc/rc
Step 2. After information has been dumped, enter the
Step 3. The /rc directory should contain entries similar to
those shown in the following example. If more than
one core has been dumped, there will be files with
extensions greater than zero. The file with the
highest number represents the latest core dump.
Step 4. After determining the cause of the panic, delete any
core files with the UNIX rm command.
# cd /etc/rc
# ls
bounds hp-ux.0 hp-core.0
bounds hp-ux.0 hp-core.1
bounds hp-ux.0 hp-core.2