Managing the AMASS File System
6-00028-01 Rev A Cache Commands C-3
Cache Commands
Using new AMASS commands, you can now assign cache
block list values for reads and writes per volume group. If you
do not use the Enhanced Cache Control feature, AMASS reuses
the cache block at the head of the free list, which is the oldest
cache block in the system. However, by using both the
setcblist and setcbwght commands, AMASS will instead
reuse the cache block list with the highest weight factor score.
Therefore, a system administrator can keep files for a specific
volume group in cache longer and the files can consequently be
accessed more quickly by client applications. These new cache
control commands are located in /usr/amass/bin.
Assigns a read and write cache block list value for a specific
volume group. The values are separate for reads and writes
within the volume group.
Command Page
setcblist C-3
cblist C-5
setcbwght C-7
cbwghtlist C-9