4-66 DAS ACI Functions
The aci_foreign function catalogs a foreign volume. See
Figure 4-54.
Figure 4-54 aci_foreign Function Call
When a foreign volume named volser of media type has been
added to or removed from the AML system in a foreign mount
area, DAS must be informed of the status. This function
notifies DAS of the existence of the volume, and its coordinate.
If added, the volume can be used simply by referencing this
volser and type in a further aci_mount() or aci_dismount()
request. See Table 4-25.
Table 4-25 Parameters for the aci_foreign Function Call
Parameter Descriptions
action select the command for the foreign catalog procedure
ACI_ADD new volser will be added to the
foreign media area in DAS and AML
ACI_DELETE volser entry for a foreign media that
will be removed from the DAS and
AMU database
volser volser, that should be used in the application for the
mount (volser with up to 16 digits and alphanumeric
symbols, no special characters)
type media type of the named volser
Refer to Media Types on page 2-7
coordinate 10 digit logical coordinate of the compartment of the
foreign volume in the AMS, e.g. E501010110
Refer to the AMU Reference Guide
#include "aci.h"
int aci_foreign( enum aci_command action,
char *volser,
enum aci_media type,
char *coordinate,
short position )