4-128 DAS ACI Functions
The aci_volseraccess function sets ownership of a volser or
range of volsers. See Figure 4-118.
Figure 4-118 aci_volseraccess Function Call
Modify allocation status of a volser for a specified client. Refer
to Table 4-56 .
Return Values
• 0: The call was successful
• -1: The call failed
The external variable d_errno is set to one of the following
DAS error codes
Table 4-56 Parameters for the aci_volseraccess Function Call
Parameter Description
clientName name of the client which authorization of a volser
range should be changed
VolserRange Range of volser for the modification in one of the
following form:
• a single volser
• multiple volsers separated by commas
• a range of volsers separated by a hyphen
status new authorization status of the drive
ACI_UP reservation of named volser for the
ACI_DOWN Deleted reservation of named volser
for the client. Only complete ranges
can be deleted not subranges from
another range
#include "aci.h"
int aci_volseraccess(char *ClientName ,
char *VolserRange,
enum aci_volser_status status)