aci_list 4-85
21 Dec 2001
See Table 4-31 for an explanation of the req_types.
Table 4-30 Parameters for the aci_list Function Call
Parameter Description
clientnamet Name of the client that active request are reported to.
aci_req_entry Returned information about outstanding commands
request_no DAS command sequence serial
individ_no reserved, not used
clientname name of the requesting client
req_type type of the outstanding command
Refer to Table 4-31
Table 4-31 Explanation of the Req_types
req_types Explanation
BACO switch barcode reading on or off (aci_barcode)
EJCL eject of cleaning cartridges (aci_ejectclean)
INCL insert media from I/O unit with aci_insertgen
INVT insert media from I/O with aci_insert
KEEP keep media from drive (aci_dismount)
MOUNT mount media to a drive (aci_mount)
MOVE eject media to I/O unit (aci_eject, aci_eject_complete)
PINV Complete archive inventory and database update (aci_inventory)
PRGE Delete a command from the command list (aci_cancel)
SHUT Shutdown off the complete AMU (aci_killamu)