
Section 6, CFG-001 ATLAS 550 System Manual
374 © 2002 ADTRAN, Inc. 61200305L1-1F
5. Configure the IFCE CONFIG options for the backup link. These include the Dial Backup parameters.
Navigate to the I
FCE CONFIG option and press <Enter>. This will display a list of the Dial Backup
options. The options are described following the figure.
ORIGINATE: The ATLAS 550 will be the originating side in the event of a failure.
ANSWER: The ATLAS 550 will answer any incoming calls, but only go into backup if an error is detect-
ANSWER ALWAYS: The ATLAS 550 will answer any incoming calls and immediately go into backup.
DIGITAL 56K: Data rate for the backup endpoint is set to 56kbps.
DIGITAL 64K: Data rate for the backup endpoint is set to 64kbps.
The SOURCE ID should remain in the default state unless it has been assigned elsewhere in the configu-
ration. Please refer to the ATLAS 550 System Manual for a detailed discussion of the
SOURCE ID field.
This field should contain the number you want the ATLAS 550 to dial upon going into backup.
AUTO: The ATLAS 550 will automatically follow the dial backup configuration parameters to go into
FORCED: The ATLAS 550 must be manually forced to go into backup upon detection of a failure.
DISABLED: The ATLAS 550 will never go into backup regardless of data integrity.
NET/DATA FAIL: DBU is initiated when either the network fails (possible causes include Red, Yellow,
Blue, or LOS alarms) or when the Nx56/64 module detects a loss of data transitions on the V.35 inter-
face. If
NET/DATA FAIL is selected, the V.35 Nx INBAND option must be ON. The remote TSU inband
must also be enabled.
NET FAIL: DBU is initiated when there is a network failure. Possible causes include LOS, Red, Yellow,
or Blue alarms.