Menu Descriptions
61179621L1-5C 5-81
Restore Factory Defaults Menu
Restore Factory Defaults
Main Menu\System Management\Restore Factory Defaults\
The Restore Factory Defaults menu (see Figure 5-53) is used to remotely restore the system to
factory defaults.
This action is service affecting. If the system is accessed remotely
through a static IP address, the system resets and access is lost.
Figure 5-53. Restore Factory Defaults Menu
The Restore Factory Defaults menu options are shown in Table 5-53.
Table 5-53. Restore Factory Defaults Menu Options
Option Description Function
1 Restore This option restores all options to the factory default
2 Exit This option returns the display to the “System
Management Menu” on page 5-44. The factory defaults
are not restored.
TID: HSVL00001 Total Access 1224 MM/DD/YY HH:MM
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
Restore Factory Defaults
All parameters will be returned to their factory defaults
and the card will be restarted.
1. Restore
2. Exit
Selection :
'?' - System Help Screen