Menu Descriptions
61179621L1-5C 5-129
DSL Menus
DSL Menus
Main Menu\DSL Menus\
Each of the 24 DSL lines has a number of settings that can be provisioned. These settings
affect the performance of the line. The class of service to be provisioned on the line and the
type of modem at the distant end must be considered. DSL provisioning is accomplished by
building profiles and then assigning them to the individual lines or groups of lines. Port provi-
sioning is used to turn lines on and off and configure link down alarms. The DSL Menus break
down the ADSL options between provisioning, status, and performance (see Figure 5-93).
Figure 5-93. DSL Menus
The DSL Menus menu options are shown in Table 5-92.
Table 5-92. DSL Menus Menu Options
Option Description Function
1 ADSL Provisioning This option displays the “DSL Provisioning Menu” on
page 5-130.
2 ADSL Status This option displays the “Status Menu” on page 5-148.
3 ADSL Performance This option displays the “Performance Menu” on page 5-
TID: HSVL00001 Total Access 1224 MM/DD/YY HH:MM
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
DSL Menus
1. ADSL Provisioning
2. ADSL Status
3. ADSL Performance
Selection :
'?' - System Help Screen