Menu Tree
61179621L1-5C 5-7
* After creating a profile, provisioning is not updated until the profile changes from Inactive to Active. To unassign
ports on a profile, simply change the state to Inactive and change the ports to “0” and this removes them.
There are a number of menu screens designed to aid in the maintenance and troubleshooting
of the Total Access 1224 system. A menu tree is a visual map that can be used to locate
configuration information and provisioning options. The menu trees for the Total Access 1224
are listed below and can be found on the indicated pages:
• Total Access 1224 Main Menu Tree, Figure 5-3 on page 5-8
• System Management Menu Tree, Figure 5-4 on page 5-9
• Network Port Menu Tree, Figure 5-5 on page 5-11
• DSL Menu Tree, Figure 5-6 on page 5-12
System Event Log
This hot key is used to display all events.
This hot key is used to display date/time events.
This hot key is used to display the first page of events.
This hot key is used to display login events.
This hot key is used to display the last page of events.
This hot key is used to display the next page of events.
This hot key is used to display account events.
This hot key is used to display the previous page of events.
This hot key is used to display software update events.
This hot key is used to display events in time ascending/descending order.
This hot key is used to toggle between displaying the connection method and
associated user name for each event, or the IP address for each event.
This hot key is used to display security events.
Table 5-2. Menu Specific Hot Keys (Continued)
Hot Key Description