
Chapter 1. Introduction
ESU 120e User Manual 61200420L1-1
ESU 120e Features
The following list describes the standard features in the ESU 120e.
A single E1 interface
An Nx56/64 data port and G.703 drop port interface
Data port supports V.35, EIA-530, V.36 and X.21 electrical inter-
An inband communication channel requiring only 8k of band-
width from a single TS0
One option slot to house option modules with up to four addi-
tional ports, including voice and data
Allows mix of port types to meet the data interface require-
Easy configuration capabilities using simplistic menus dis-
played in a liquid crystal display (LCD) window operated by a
front panel keypad
Two programmable configuration maps that define the band-
width allocation between data ports
Flash memory for software updates
Selectable timing from the network, from the Nx56/64 or drop
ports, internally, or from a secondary interface
QRSS; 511 test patterns using Nx option
Extensive self-test and monitoring provides assurance of proper
SNMP, Telnet, and T-Watch Pro Management via SLIP or
ESU Option Modules
Some of the option modules available for the ESU 120e are:
Nx56/64 serial interface. This module provides a V.35 serial in-
terface in either single or dual versions.
Router module. Integrated IP/IPX Router with 10BaseT inter-
NxIQ. Provides extensive frame relay and monitoring capabil-