Chapter 5. Configuration Menu
5-4 ESU 120e User Manual 61200420L1-1
• Note that if CAS/TS16 is enabled, TS16 may not be
mapped to a port, and will be forced to “Idle”. When
CAS/TS16 is disabled, and TS16 is mapped to a port, the
data in TS 16 will be mapped through from the network
to the mapped port. For common channel signalling ap-
plications, CAS/TS16 should be disabled and TS16
mapped to the drop port. TS16 may also be mapped to
the base Nx56/64 or an option module data port.
• When CAS/TS16 is enabled, TS16 is forced to idle in DS0
Map A and B and may not be mapped. This configura-
tion must be used if there are multiple signalling-capable
ports that are mapped to the Network Interface. For ap-
plications where the Base Drop Port requires channel as-
sociated signalling, (connection to a PBX, for example)
CAS/TS16 must be enabled and TS16 left idle in the DS0
CRC-4 When this option is enabled, the CRC-4 checksum bits are
transmitted in the outgoing E1 data stream. Also, the
received signal is checked for errors.
Choices: Enable, Disable
RFA Gen When enabled, remote frame alarm is transmitted toward
the Network during alarms.
Choices: Enable, Disable
Selects the clock source for transmission toward the network
from the NI. See ESU 120 Clock Sources on page 5-5 for more
Menu Item Description