Chapter 3 19
Manual operation
Making measurements
Making measurements
Once a call is established, you can make measurements as before—see
the HP/Agilent 8922 User’s Guide for more details. Note however that
there are two new factors which you need to consider: choosing which
timeslot to perform measurements on, and performing BER on the two-
unit system.
Choosing which timeslot to measure
Any HSCSD instrument can measure the master or the slave timeslot.
This selection is made on the HSCSD control screen, and the
measurements on this screen include a reminder of which slot is
currently being analysed. On other screens, where this reminder is not
present, you must be aware of which slot you are measuring.
Measuring BER
To perform BER, one instrument starts a measurement, while the other
makes the measurement. Specifically, to perform BER on the slave
timeslot, you must start the BER measurement on the master unit
because it is the master unit which performs the signalling to place the
mobile in loopback mode. Once this is done, the BER measurement must
be started on the slave unit, where it will then run as normal. After the
measurement is complete, and the master unit is returned to a different
screen, the HP/Agilent 8922 signals the mobile and takes it back out of
loopback mode.
Changing band and making measurements in the
E-GSM900 and DCS 1800 bands
Changing band and making measurements in the E-GSM900 and
DCS1800 bands are performed in the same way as for the HP/Agilent
8922 Multi-Band System. See the HP/Agilent8922 Multi-Band Test
System Supplementary User’s Guide for details.