Chapter 5 59
Remote operation
HSCSD Subsystem GPIB Commands
Description During a call, this sets the Tx level of the slave TCH. When the system is
idle (that is, not on a call), this sets the Tx level to be used when the next
call is connected and the slave TCH is established.
Note that this is not the Tx Level first used to establish the TCH. In
standard mode, this also sets the slave’s uplink amplitude control to MS
TX LEV, and calculates and sets the slave’s expected uplink amplitude.
HSCSd:SLAVe:TCH:TLEVel <integer>
Command options
Type integer
Units: dBm only
Limits (GSM900): 1 thru 19
Limits (E-GSM): 1 thru 19
Limits (DCS1800): 0 thru 15
Limits (PCS1900): 0 thru 15; 30 thru 31
Default (GSM900): 15
Default (E-GSM): 15
Default (DCS1800): 10
Default (PCS1900): 10