48 Chapter5
Remote operation
HSCSD Subsystem GPIB Commands
Description Setting this during a call forces a channel assignment to the given
channel. Note that existing channel assignment commands sent to a
master or single unit have the same effect. In particular, a dual band
assignment must be performed using the existing dual band commands.
If the measurement timeslot is not set to “Master”, attempting to
perform a channel assignment on a master or single unit will produce an
error, and the setting will be ignored. The error message is Select
Master to measure before signalling mobile. When the system is
idle (that is, not on a call) this sets the channel which will be used when
the next call is established. This command must also be sent to the slave
Syntax HSCSd:MASTer:TCH:ARFCn <integer>
Command options
Type integer
Units: none (ARFCN)
Limits (GSM900): 1 thru 124
Limits (E-GSM): 0 thru 124; 995 thru 1024
Limits (DCS1800): 512 thru 885
Limits (PCS1900): 512 thru 810
Default (GSM900): 30
Default (E-GSM): 30
Default (DCS1800): 512
Default (PCS1900): 51