250 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z Preset Type
Enables you to select what type of preset will be initiated when you press the green
key or send the remote command, using SYST:PRES. Choose between Factory, Mode,or
User defined presets.
Key Path:
System, Power On/Preset
State Saved: Survives Preset and power cycle, but is not saved in Instrument State.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Preset: Does not change the Preset Type.
Default: Mode
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: SYSTem:PRESet:USER:SAVE defines the user preset.
Example: SYST:PRES:TYPE FACT defines the type of preset as the factory preset. User
Sets the preset type to
User. When you do a preset, the instrument state that you have
defined as the user preset setting will be restored. Use the Save User Preset key to define
your user preset settings. Refer to “Preset” on page 221 for more information. If you have
not saved a user state, then the instrument will save the power-up state for you to use as a
default user preset state.
Key Path:
System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type
Readback: User
Annotation: None
State Saved: Survives
Preset and power cycle, but no saved in Instrument State.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Default: Mode
Remote Command:
See “Preset Type” on page 250.
Example: SYST:PRES[:USER]:SAVE savesthecurrentstatetobeusedasthepreset