Chapter 8 565
Using the STATus System
Common IEEE Commands
Using the STATus System
returning the *LRN data. Use *IDN? to return the instrument model
number, serial number, and firmware version. Use the *SAV/*RCL
commands to save and then return the instrument state information.
Operation Complete
The *OPC command sets bit 0 in the standard event status register to
“1” when pending operations have finished. It does not hold off
subsequent operations.
The *OPC? query stops new commands from being processed until the
current processing is complete. Then it returns a “1”, and the program
continues. This query can be used to synchronize events of other
instruments on the external bus.
The instrument does not wait for completion of all processes for these
commands. The processes that are monitored are identified in the
STATus:OPERation register. These include:
For example, if you want to verify the completion of both calibration and
waiting for trigger set :STAT:OPER:ENAB 35 and monitor any changes.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Query Instrument Options
For ESA and PSA analyzers: This command is not implemented.
However the information is available remotely by using SCPI
commands. See :SYSTem:OPTions? in the SYSTem subsystem.
PSA Process
Register Bit
Byte Value
Calibrating 0 1
Sweeping 3 8
MEASuring (not in all
Waiting for trigger 5 32