252 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Default: Mode
Remote Command:
See “Preset Type” on page 250.
Example: SYST:PRES:TYPE FACT defines the type of preset as the factory preset.
With factory preset selected, use SYST:PRES to do a factory preset. Save User Preset
Saves the current state of the analyzer into the
User Preset state registor for recall when the
instrument Preset Type is set to User and you perform a preset operation. After you save a
Preset Type key and select User in order to have this state used
as the preset state. Refer to
“Preset” on page 221 key description for the default
factory-configuration settings.
Key Path:
System, Power On/Preset
,ifthepresettypeissettoUser.See“Save User Preset” on page 225
Annotation: None
Couplings: None
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Remote Command:
Use SYST:PRES:TYPE USER to set factory preset type to “User.”
Then use SYST:PRES to do the preset.
4.8.3 Time/Date
Displays the Time/Date function menu keys used to set and display the real-time clock.
Key Path:
Remote Command:
There is no remote command for this key.