70 Chapter 2
Status Registers
Use Status Registers to Determine the State of Analyzer Events and Conditions
Standard Event Status Event Enable Register
The event enable register (contained in the standard event status register) lets you
choose which bits will set the summary bit (bit 5 of the status byte register) to 1.
Send the *ESE <number> command (where <number> is the sum of the decimal
values of the bits you want to enable).
For example, to enable bit 7 and bit 6 so that whenever either of those bits is set to
1, the standard event status summary bit of the status byte register will also be set
to 1, send the *ESE 192 (128 + 64) command. The *ESE? command returns the
decimal value of the sum of the bits previously enabled with the *ESE <number>
Figure 2-7 Standard Event Status Event Enable Register
STATus:OPERation Register
The STATus:OPERation register is used to determine the specific event that sets
bit 7 in the status byte register. This register also monitors the current measurement
state and checks to see if the analyzer is performing any of these functions:
• measuring
• calibrating
532Command Error: A 1 in this bit position indicates that a
command error has occurred. Command errors have SCPI error
numbers from –199 to –100.
664User Request Key (Local: A 1 in this bit position indicates
that the
LOCAL key has been pressed. This is true even if the
analyzer is in local lockout mode.
7 128 Power On: A 1 in this bit position indicates that the analyzer has
been turned off and then on.
Bit Decimal