78 Chapter 2
Status Registers
Use Status Registers to Determine the State of Analyzer Events and Conditions
For example, to enable bit 9 and bit 3 so that whenever either of those bits is set to
1, the Questionable Status Summary bit of the Status Byte Register will be set to 1,
send the command :STAT:QUES:ENAB 520 (512 + 8). The command
:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle? returns the decimal value of the sum of
the bits previously enabled with the :STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <num>
Figure 2-11 Questionable Status Event Enable Register
Bit descriptions in the Status Questionable Condition Register are given in the
following table.
Bit Decimal
01Reserved: This bit is not used by the analyzer, but are for
future use with other Agilent products.
1 2Reserved: This bit is not used by the analyzer, but are for
future use with other Agilent products.
24Reserved: This bit is not used by the analyzer, but are for
future use with other Agilent products.
38POWer Summary: This is the summary bit for the
Questionable Power Status Register.
416Reserved: This bit is not used by the analyzer, but are for
future use with other Agilent products.
532FREQuency Summary: This is the summary bit for the
Questionable Frequency Status Register.
664Reserved: This bit is not used by the analyzer, but are for
future use with other Agilent products.