Chapter 2 87
Status Registers
Use Status Registers to Determine the State of Analyzer Events and Conditions
Questionable Status Calibration Condition and
Event Enable Registers
The Questionable Status Calibration condition register continuously monitors the
calibration status of the analyzer. Condition registers are read-only. To query the
condition register, send the command
:STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration:CONDition? The response will be
the decimal sum of the bits which are set to 1.
The transition filter specifies which types of bit state changes in the condition
register will set corresponding bits in the event register. The changes may be
positive (from 0 to 1) or negative (from 1 to 0). Send the command
Bit Decimal
00Oversweep (Meas Uncal): A 1 in this position indicates
that the analyzer is in a state that could lead to uncalibrated
measurements. This is typically caused by sweeping too fast
for the current combination of span, resolution bandwidth, and
video bandwidth. Auto coupling may resolve this problem.
12Signal Ident ON: A 1 in this bit position indicates that
amplitude measurements may be in error due to signal
identification routines being active. Amplitude accuracy is
degraded when signal identification is active.
24Reserved: This bit is not used by the analyzer, but is for
future use with other Agilent products.
3 8Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
416Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
5 32Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
6 64Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
7 128 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
8 256 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
9 512 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
10 1024 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
11 2048 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
12 4096 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
13 8192 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
14 16384 Unused: This bit is always set to 0.
15 32768 Always Zero (0): This bit is always set to 0.