PinPoint EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 41
Global Positioning System (GPS)
FIGURE 11. Wireless Ace: RAP Local Reports
1. Set the port (S53) to the local port to which you want the reports sent. The local IP will auto-
matically be used. S53, in Wireless Ace, is part of the Misc menu option.
2. Set the ATS Local Report Type (*PPLATSR) to your preferred RAP report type.
11 - GPS - Global Positioning System data
12 - GPS + Date - GPS data with the UTC time and date
13 - GPS + Date + RF - GPS data with the UTC time and date and Radio Frequency informa-
tion from the antenna.
3. Set Local ATS Reporting Time Interval (*PPLATS) to the number of seconds you want as an
interval between reports being sent. If *PPLATS is set to 0, reports will only be sent if a poll
command is issued by the local client.
RAP Message format
In a RAP-based system, each PinPoint sends command status and responses to the Server which is
master and sends commands to one or more PinPoint devices
For reliability, the server expects each command to be acknowledged within a time-out period. If
the acknowledgement packet (ACK) is not received within the time-out period, the server will
retransmit the command.
The RAP messages are in Hex and are referred to by their message ID.
GPS Reports
0x11 Simple GPS Report - Report contains GPS latitude and longitude in 1/100,000 degrees,
GPS velocity in kilometers/hour, GPS Direction in 2 degree increments, UTC time (but not
date), GPS satellite count and quality, and optional data.
0x12 Simple GPS Report with the addition of the UTC date.
0x13 Simple GPS Report with the addition of the UTC date and including radio frequency data
with the GPS point.
0x20-0x23 indicate the state changes of either the RTS or DTR (See “Store and Forward for
RAP” on page 44.) in addition to the same data as in an 0x12 report.
0x24-0x2B indicate the state changes of the COM1000 inputs (See “COM1000 Event Reports”
on page 43.) in addition to the same data in an 0x12 or 0x13 report.
Note: It is recommended to use Report type 0x12 or 0x13 when Store and Forward
page 44) is enabled.